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SciTec Celebrates 40 Years of Service to the Nation

SciTec is 40!  For the past four decades, SciTecer’s have attacked the Nation’s hard problems by applying the foundational principles of deliberate system design, rapid prototype development, and test-driven evolution all focused on delivering the end user’s mission.  Jim Lisowski, SciTec’s CEO, told the staff, “Your extreme ingenuity and dedication applying these principles has led to mission capabilities in fields as diverse as remote sensing, directed energy, low-latency signal processing, and artificial intelligence.”

From its inception at Research Park in Princeton, NJ, in 1979, SciTec has built upon a culture of scientific exploration and engineering discipline to deliver innovative solutions.  Over those 40 years, the company has expanded and established offices to be close to our customers – Huntsville, AL; Dayton, OH; Boulder, CO; and Herndon, VA.  In 2019, SciTec established our latest operating location in El Segundo, CA.   Despite the geographic separation, SciTec’ers have always collaborated to synergize solutions.  We are ardent users of cloud computing, Agile teams, and off-the-shelf capabilities.  

Innovation throughout SciTec abounds.  New instrumentation featuring quantum cascade lasers and embedded computing are enabling our fielded systems to more robustly replicate the characteristics of today’s threats and pave the way for new future systems.  Our advanced Tracking-Typing-Cueing algorithms are being integrated into mission data processing capabilities to maintain persistent custody of advanced threats. We are leveraging open systems to realize the full potential of legacy sensors while positioning for lead roles on future space layers and their reimagined ground enterprises. 

In imagining the future, Jim Lisowski tells the staff, “It is clear that the greatest testament to SciTec’s first forty years of success is that the next forty looks just as exciting.  Let us build upon our accomplishments and move forward together with confidence that we can continue to be the source of innovative, field-ready solutions our customers need now to address their most challenging problems…and let’s have some fun doing it!”

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