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SciTec Awarded Third Remote Sensing Application Project Destined for TAP Lab and OBAC

The Air Force Space and Missile Systems Center (SMC) awarded SciTec a third project under the Remote Sensing Applications Broad Agency Announcement (BAA).  Jim Lisowski, SciTec CEO, singed the contract while attending SMC’s Space Industry Days.  “We’re thrilled to have the opportunity to develop and deliver another application into the hands of the warfighter through the RS BAA.  This third award is indicative of our technical expertise in OPIR mission data processing and track record of delivering real operational capabilities into government frameworks.”

Under this contract, SciTec will develop, test and integrate the Automated Tactical Tracking and Classification (ATTAC) application to exploit Space Based Infra-Red System (SBIRS) data and provide the warfighter accurate, tactical warning for critical threats.   ATTAC will employ a threat-tailored implementation of automated detection, classification, and tracking algorithms operating in low-latency to support time dominant missions.  

David Simenc, SciTec’s Portfolio Lead for Tactical Programs will lead the ATTAC distributed Agile development team.  “The ATTAC team is positioned for success with a cohesive and proven team of SBIRS data exploitation experts and real-time software engineers skilled in Agile app development and experience delivering mission apps into the TAP Lab and OBAC. ATTAC expands on our proven mission data processing technologies to deliver a low-risk, high reward, fully Government Purpose Rights detection, classification, and tracking pipeline which greatly increases the quality, timeliness, and availability of high-value tactical missile warnings.”

The ATTAC application will be tested and implemented in SMC’s Tools, Applications and Processes laboratory (TAP Lab) in Boulder, Colorado and ultimately deployed to the OPIR Battlespace Awareness Center (OBAC).   Further information on the TAP Lab is available at

“Executing this contact award during Space Industry Days was special,” said Lisowski. “We’re here listening to SMC leadership talk about transformation and speed to ops, and are excited to be partners in this transformation.  We fully embrace SMC’s ideals of EPIC Speed as critical to our Nation’s defense, and with projects like ATTAC, our pervious TAP Lab BAAs, Rapid Innovation Fund efforts, SOFA III, and others to come, we’re committed to doing our part to realize the vision.”  

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