SciTec Awarded Research Contract for Novel Remote Sensing Apps

staff meeting

Los Angeles, CA

The Air Force Space and Missile Systems Center (SMC) awarded SciTec two projects in support of the Remote Sensing Systems Directorate (SMC/RS) Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) for Remote Sensing Applications.

The purpose of the SMC/RS program is to conduct research on advanced technologies to enhance processing of space-based remote sensor mission data and dissemination of the resulting information products.  Under this contract, SciTec will develop, test and integrate two apps – Battlespace Awareness Target Geolocation and Identification using Reinforced Learning (BATGIRL) and Dynamic Functions for Exploitation of Advanced Threats (DFEAT).   These apps will be tested and implemented in SMC/RS’s Tools, Applications and Processes laboratory (TAP Lab) in Boulder, Colorado.   Further information on the TAP Lab is available at
